Photolog: Churaumi Aquarium

Next destination we visited in Okinawa was, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.

“Chura” means beautiful in Okinawan language, and “umi” means ocean in Japanese, so it is an Aquarium of Okinawan beautiful ocean. This aquarium is famous for giant whale sharks🐋 in the main tank, and they even had this whale shark statue at the entrance.

It is open 7days a week (except for 1st week of Dec.), from 8:30am to 6:30pm for Oct.-Feb. and 8:30am to 8:00pm for Mar.-Sept.. Entrance fee is ¥1,850 for an adult, ¥1,230 for a high schooler, and ¥610 for younger school kids, and free for 5 and younger kids.

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